G4SR-4 Pre-Conference Workshops – Monday, Oct 3, 2022
In alignment with the latest Small Modular Reactor development trends in Canada, the CNS Generation IV and Small Reactor Technology (G4SRT) Division’s primary objectives are to fulfil CNS objectives as a learned society by providing a medium to share information with others practicing fields such as:
- The development and implementation of the latest Generation IV nuclear design concepts, including Small Modular Reactors (SMR) development
- The analytical framework for analysis and assessment of transition scenarios (roadmap) to sustainable nuclear-energy systems employing Generation IV and small reactor designs
- The use of advanced materials, safety analysis methodologies, simulation tools etc. in the solution to design problems for these advanced reactor design concepts.
To meet these learning objectives, the following G4SR-4 Pre-Conference Workshops will be held in-person on Monday Oct 3, 2022, at the Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre.
Please visit the G4SR-4 website (www.g4sr.org) to register at Attendee Registration (xcdsystem.com)
Space capacity is limited, please register early to avoid disappointment.
(1) Advanced Manufacturing Workshop – Full-Day Workshop
(a) Organizers:
- Christine Burow, Program Director, Canadian Advanced Manufacturing in Nuclear Alliance (CAMiNA)
- Prof Lyndon Edwards, National Director, Australian Generation IV Research, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO), and GIF Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Task Force (AMME-TF)
- Invited Speakers – details to follow
(b) Workshop Focus:
This is a joint workshop from Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Forum with Industry 2022 and G4SR-4 . The workshop is being organized by:
- GIF Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Task Force (AMME-TF); and
- The Canadian Advanced Manufacturing in Nuclear Alliance (CAMiNA).
The workshop is designed to develop and disseminate knowledge of the steps required to successfully introduce advanced manufacturing to the supply chain of advanced nuclear reactors. As such it will be of interest to:
- Gen IV reactor developers looking to use AM methodologies to reduce the time and cost of advanced reactor development and manufacture.
- Supply chain companies seeking competitive advantage in AM innovations and knowledge in factory manufacturing.
- Personnel involved in Nuclear Regulation and Nuclear Standards looking to gain knowledge on AM and the innovation it can bring to Advanced Reactor deployment.
- Researchers looking for information on AM research roadmap, innovation discoveries and enabling infrastructure such as a modern AM research institute.
In order to address the objectives of the above-mentioned target audiences, the Workshop will consist of two parts:
- Part (a) Plenary Presentations by speakers with a focus on how the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies can reduce the cost and time to deployment of advanced reactors and the challenges still be met regarding its widespread adoption for advanced high temperature reactors
- Part (b) will be break-out into two separate tracks:
- Track (1) Advanced Manufacturing Demonstrations at McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI), designed for those audience with broader interest on AM, and keen to see the demonstrations of AM innovations at work, while engaging further discussion with MMRI experts during demonstrations on the various topics presented at the Plenary session.
- Track (2) is a participatory interactive workshop where participants will work collectively with a focus on the qualification of advanced processes and manufactured components which has been identified as a key barrier to advanced technology adoption. This workshop is the part of a series undertaken by the GIF Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Task Force deigned to identify the key steps required for the successful implementation of advanced manufacturing.
Track (1) of the Advanced Manufacturing Workshop includes a tour of the Advanced Manufacturing Demonstrations at McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI), designed for those audience with broader interest on AM, and keen to see the demonstrations of AM innovations at work, while engaging further discussion with MMRI experts during demonstrations on the various topics presented at the Plenary session.
See the G4SR Advanced Manufacturing Workshop Tour Flyer below, with the photos of the facilities in the tour visit. At 11am, a bus will take Track 1 participants to McMaster and it will return participants to the Delta Conference Centre by 5:30pm. Lunch will be provided at McMaster
A draft agenda for the Track 2 workshop, including the names of the plenary speakers, is also attached below.
Advanced Manufacturing Workshop Track 2 Agenda (note Plenary Presentation is common for both tracks; Track 2’s specific agenda is shown starting at 11 am)
8:30 am |
Plenary Presentations (both tracks) Introduction: Christine Burow, CAMiNA and Mark Messner, ANL Topic 1, Codes and Standards: Eric Abonneau, CEA Topic 2, Aerospace Industry Experience: Richard Russell, NASA Topic 3, Regulatory Perspective: Wendy Reed, U.S. NRC Topic 4, Industry Interest: Bill Smith, Terrestrial Energy |
10:00 am |
Coffee Break and networking |
10:30 am |
Continuation of Plenary Session |
11:00 am |
Overview of workshop |
12:00 am |
Lunch |
12:30 pm |
Break out groups to discuss how to accelerate the qualification of advanced manufacturing materials and processes for Gen IV reactors. Size and number of groups to be determined based on workshop registration. |
2:45 pm |
Break |
3:15 pm |
Presentation of group outputs, general discussion and consensus conclusions |
5:00 pm |
Summary of workshop outcomes |
5:30 pm |
End |
(2) Nuclear Material Challenges for SMRs and Advanced Reactors – Full- Day Workshop
(a) Organizers:
- Dr. Colin D. Judge, Division Director, Characterization and Advanced Post-Irradiation Examination, Materials and Fuels Complex, Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
- Dr. Mohammadreza Baghbanan, P. Eng., Project Manager, Ontario Power Generation | CNS Division Chair for Materials, Chemistry and Fitness-for-service.
- Invited Speakers – details to follow.
(b) Workshop Focus:
The need to develop materials capable of performing in the severe operating environments expected in Generation IV reactors represents a significant challenge in materials science. There are a range of Gen-IV small modular reactor designs currently under the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s (CNSC) SMR Vendor Design Review process: molten salt reactor, high temperature gas-cooled reactor, molten-lead-cooled reactor, sodium cooled reactor. Each of the Gen IV SMR design has its own unique material demands. However, to achieve improved economic performance, most designs call for significantly higher operating temperatures than the current generation of LWRs to obtain higher thermal efficiency. In some cases, the desired operating temperatures rule out the use of the structural alloys employed today, due to high temperature, high neutron flux and high corrosion operating environment. This workshop brings out some of the best material experts from the US and Canada to discuss the approaches to materials development and qualification for advanced reactor technologies.
US Approach:
The U.S. approach to materials development and qualification for advanced reactor technologies involves a coordinated effort between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, industry, DOE National Laboratories, and academia. High-throughput tools are being developed to enable rapid and innovative materials design and testing to support accelerated materials qualifications. Adopting physics-based modeling and data-analytics to materials design and analysis will improve the predictive tools to understand both as-fabricated behaviors, and advanced reactor conditions.
Talks in this workshop will outline the NRC development plan for Gen IV, material design and qualification efforts underway jointly between industry and national laboratories, and academic studies striving to understand material response to operating in these new environmental extremes.
Canadian Approach:
The Canadian approach follows the Roadmap for SMR that outlines a collaborative approach to bring together industry, utilities, various levels of government and other stakeholders by leveraging expertise in areas such as materials engineering and design, offered by many research and development partners. This approach involves evaluating the characteristics and suitability of different SMR technologies and their alignment with Canadians’ requirements and priorities.
Given OPG’s recent announcement to construct Canada’s first commercial, grid-scale Small Modular Reactor (SMR) in Darlington, talks in this Workshop will outline Utility’s perspective on SMR Supplier/Manufacturer and Licensee Interface, leading to the discussion of nuclear material and chemistry research at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), followed by research activities undertaken at the Canadian universities under NSERC-UNENE Industrial Research in Nuclear Materials and NSERC-Canada Research Chairs in Mechanics and Materials, and Nuclear Fuels and Materials.
The draft agenda for the workshop is below. Note this preliminary schedule is subject to change. More details will follow:
(3) Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) Workshop – Full- Day Workshop
Dr. T. (Nithy) Nitheanandan, Director, Reactor Behaviour Division, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Member of the Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) of the Generation IV Forum (GIF).
Dr. Tanju Sofu, Deputy National Technical Director of DOE’s Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & Simulation (NEAMS) program, Argonne national Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA
Workshop Focus:
This is a joint workshop from GIF Forum with Industry organized by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and G4SR-4.
The Generation IV (GIF) Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) developed an Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) to support the concept that “safety” is “built in” the Gen IV reactor design processes, rather than added on. ISAM accomplishes this by assimilating safety requirements as reactor systems are conceptualized and designed. The methodology is useful for the Gen IV technology development cycle, including the Small Modular Reactor (SMR) and Advanced Reactor (AR) concept and design development.
Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) Workshop
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
09h00 – 09h30 |
An Overview of GIF and RSWG |
Tanju Sofu, ANL, RSWG Co-Chair |
09h30 – 10h00 |
Gen IV Nuclear Reactor Systems |
Nithy Nitheanandan, CNSC, RSWG |
10h00 – 10h30 |
Coffee Break |
10h30 – 11h00 |
Nithy Nitheanandan, CNSC, RSWG |
11h00 – 11h30 |
Table topic exercice on QSR & PIRT |
Nithy and assisted by Tanju |
11h30 – 11h50 |
ISAM – OPT and DPA |
Nithy Nitheanandan, CNSC, RSWG |
11h50 – 13h00 |
Lunch Break |
13h00 – 13h30 |
Discussion on OPT & DPA |
Nithy and assisted by Tanju |
15h00 – 15h20 |
Nithy Nitheanandan, CNSC, RSWG |
15h20 – 10h00 |
Risk Informed Approach as an Overlay of ISAM |
Tanju Sofu, ANL, RSWG Co-Chair |
14h45 – 15h15 |
Coffee Break |
15h15 – 15h45 |
Examples of ISAM |
Nithy Nitheanandan, CNSC, RSWG |
15h45 – 16h45 |
Panel discussion and Q&A |
all |
16h45 – 17h00 |
Feedback and Workshop ends |
(4) Basic-Principle Simulator for Passive Boiling Water Reactor – Full- Day Workshop
(a) Organizers:
- Wilson Lam, CNS G4SR Technology Division Chair, and G4SR-4 Conference Deputy Chair.
- Douglas McDonald, BWRX-300 Product Manager, GE Hitachi Nuclear
- Invited Speakers – details to follow.
(b) Workshop Focus:
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has been selected by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) as the technology partner for the Darlington New Nuclear Project. GEH will work with OPG to deploy a BWRX-300 small modular reactor (SMR) at the Darlington site that could be complete as early as 2028. The BWRX-300 is a 300 MWe water-cooled, natural- circulation SMR with passive safety systems. It leverages the design and licensing basis of GEH’s ESBWR boiling water reactor, which has been certified by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It is currently undergoing a Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission pre-licensing Vendor Design Review, or VDR.
This is a workshop jointly organized by the CNS Generation IV and Small Reactor Technology (G4SRT) Division and GE Hitachi (GEH), with a focus on BWRX-300 design
The workshop Agenda:
Time |
Agenda |
Speakers |
Duration |
9:00 |
Opening remarks |
Wilson & Doug |
4 min |
9:05 |
Evolution of BWRs – Conventional BWR, ABWR, ESBWR and BWRX300 |
Doug |
25 min |
Basic Principle of Passive BWR Design Features and Simulator Demonstration: Part (A)- (J)
Wilson Doug |
9:30 |
Part (A) Direct cycle; Core Design; Fuel Assembly; Core Flux Shape properties; BWR Reactor Vessel |
same |
30 min |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
30 min |
10:30 |
Part (B) Main Steam System |
same |
20 min |
10:50 |
Part (C) Turbine and Steam Bypass System |
same |
15 min |
11:05 |
Part (D) Balance of Plant and Feedwater |
same |
15 min |
11:20 |
Part (E) Containment |
same |
30 min |
11:50 – 13:00 |
Lunch Break |
70 min |
13:00 |
Part (F) Rod Control System |
same |
15 min |
13:15 |
Part (G) Pressure & Turbine Control System |
same |
15 min |
13:30 |
Part (H) Water Level Control System |
same |
10 min |
13:40 |
Part (I) Power/Flow Map |
same |
20 min |
14:00 |
Part (J) Protection Systems |
same |
20 min |
14:20 – 14:40 |
BWRX-300 Design focusing on the top-level features: (1) 10th generation BWR technology (2) Compliance with the international high safety standards (3) Designed to be cost competitive (4) Up to 60% capital cost reduction per MW (5) Evolved from the licensed ESBWR |
Doug and GEH experts |
20 min |
14:45 – 15:15 |
Coffee Break |
15 min |
15:15 – 15:35 |
BWRX-300 Design focusing on the top-level features: (6) Designed to mitigate LOCAs with a simple, dry containment without relying on active safety systems (7) Reduced on-site staff and security (8) Design-to-cost approach (9) Proven components, fuel, and supply chain (10) Constructability integrated into design. |
Doug and GEH Experts |
20 min |
15:35 – 16:35 |
Passive BWR Simulator Exercises : using the IAEA Passive BWR Simulator (which emulates the ESBWR) to demonstrate the features of Passive BWR features: Power Reduction/Increase; Reactor Trip; Startup and Shutdown; Malfunction Transient Events that include AOOs and DBAs. |
Wilson |
60 min |
16:35 – 17:00 |
Q & A |
Doug, GEH Experts, Wilson |
25 min |
17:00 |
Workshop ends |
5) Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat – Full Day Workshop
(a) Organizers:
1. Shannon Bragg-Sitton, Director for Integrated Energy and Storage Systems, Idaho , National Laboratory, USA, and Chair, GIF Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat Task Force
2. Ali Siddiqui, Director, Advanced Reactors Program Development, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Canada.
3. Steve Napier, Nuclear Innovation and Research Office, United Kingdom
4. Gilles Rodriguez, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), France
(b) Invited Speakers and Draft Agenda
• Welcome and Introduction: Shannon Bragg-Sitton, NENH TF Chair, INL.
• Overview of the concept: Ramesh Sadhankar, Department of Natural Resources, Canada
• Researchers panel: Status of current R&D
- US: Modeling and Simulation and Experimental Systems Development under the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy Integrated Energy Systems, Program (Aaron Epiney, INL)
- Canada: Canadian Overview (Ali Siddiqui, CNL)
- UK: UK Research and Development Overview (Rob Arnold, NNL)
- Japan: JAEA R&D Overview (Hiroyuki Sato, JAEA)
- European Union: GEMINI 4.0 Project (Michael Futterer, European Commission – Joint Research Center)
• Industry panel (Energy Users, Non-nuclear):
- Introductory remarks: Nuclear Energy Agency
Diane Cameron or Lucas Mir
Provide introductory overview on studies of high temperature reactors for industrial applications. Moderate panel session.
- Chemical industry:
Scott Bury (Dow Chemical, US)
- Oil Sands industry:
Bronwyn Hyland (Suncor, Canada)
- Oil and gas/refineries (as a hydrogen user):
Gautam Phanse (Strategic Relationship Manager, Innovation Chevron Technology Ventures)
- Ammonia production:
John Kutsch (Executive Director, Ammonia Energy Association)
- District energy:
Jeremy Shook (Electric Power Research Institute)
• Advanced reactor developers panel:
- X-Energy: [gas-cooled] Marcy Sanderson, VP Industrial Applications
- Terrestrial Energy: [molten salt] David LeBlanc
- U-Battery: [gas-cooled] Tim Abram
- NuScale: [Advanced LWR] Dominick Claudio, Director of Sales
- Global First Power: [partnered w/USNC; gas-cooled] – TBC
- TerraPower [Sodium Fast Reactor] – TBC(b) Workshop Focus:
- Nuclear energy has the potential to play a major role in global efforts toward economy- wide decarbonization, with advanced technologies providing deployment flexibility (with systems providing MW to GW of energy) and product flexibility.
- Decarbonisation of the electricity sector alone is insufficient to meet the challenging CO2 emission reduction targets that have been set by private industry, organizations, and nation states around the world.
- Direct use of nuclear-generated heat and/or process intermediates that may be produced using nuclear heat and electricity (e.g., hydrogen) to meet energy demand from the industrial and transportation sectors offer significant potential for further emission reduction—but designing systems that efficiently and reliably meet these energy demands requires a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach and significant communication among energy generators and energy users.
Please join us on October 3 for this full-day workshop to learn about the potential for advanced nuclear energy systems to support non-grid energy demands.
- Organized by the Generation IV International Forum interim Task Force on Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat (NEaNH-iTF), this workshop will establish connections between the research community and industry, engaging both nuclear technology developers and energy end users.
- Via panel presentations and moderated discussions, we will review multiple scenarios in which nuclear energy systems could be used to support heat and electricity demands outside the power sector—while continuing to provide reliable, resilient electricity to meet grid demand.
- Panel sessions will provide a platform for nuclear technology developers to share the performance capabilities, system economics, and deployment timelines for their systems, and they will also provide opportunity to hear from members of the energy use community, ranging from data centers and water processing to chemical processes, steel manufacturing, and fertilizer production, among others.
- Stakeholders in the energy-use community are encouraged to share details of their energy needs and requirements, but to also raise any concerns they may hold regarding integration of nuclear energy to drive these processes.
- The research community will also have opportunity to share computational tools and facilities that could support multi-lateral and public-private partnerships for systems analysis and demonstration to accelerate the path to commercial deployment of novel zero-emission energy systems.
- Anticipated attendees include Gen IV reactor developers, energy system modelers, industrial energy users, regulators, researchers, and other stakeholders.
- Following the organized panel sessions, the workshop will include dedicated time for participants to brainstorm on energy system design and establish potential collaborations for future demonstration and deployment. Stay tuned for more details.
(6) NEST/SMART SMR Fellows Workshop – PRIVATE Full Day Workshop
The OECD NEA NEST SMR Project and the SMART Program at McMaster University are organizing the NEST/SMART SMR Fellows Workshop on October 3, 2022.
It is a PRIVATE Workshop only for NEST and SMART members.
The goal is to conduct an exercise, culminating with an in-person workshop, for student teams to understand the multi-disciplinary challenges in deploying advanced nuclear energy systems. Student teams will prepare and present a press release describing their deployment scenario, including the technical, economic, regulatory, and social challenges and approaches to overcome these challenges. Each team will be provided a mentor team and access to an expert’s network. The deployment scenarios will be to deploy an SMR on a university campus in an urban environment. Student teams will be asked to present from a different perspective, for instance: a policy NGO, an environmental NGO, a local governmental agency staff, a Federal governmental staff, a university leader, a technology company spokesperson, or a regulator.
G4SR-4 Pre-Conference in-person Workshop on Monday Oct 3, 2022 |
Duration |
Fees (include coffee and lunch) |
Advanced Manufacturing workshop
Full Day |
$75 |
Nuclear Material Challenges for SMRs and Advanced Reactors
Full Day |
$75 |
Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM)
Full Day |
$75 |
Basic Principle Simulator for Passive Boiling Water Reactor
Full Day |
$75 |
Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat - Full Day Workshop
Full Day |
$75 |
NEST/SMART SMR Fellows Workshop - PRIVATE Full Day Workshop
Full Day |
$75 |